Sometimes, you just need something sweet. Unfortunately, nuts, candy canes, and caramel seem to permeate the dessert and candy scene, and you can’t eat any of those if you have braces. But there are still lots of delicious foods you can eat--especially if you make your own simple treats! Here are some yummy and easy options for your holiday season.... read more »
Dental crowns are one of the most useful and cosmetic dental restorations available, but many patients do not have the level of knowledge needed to determine if a dental crown is right for them. Dr. Ryan D. Sparks offers general answers to the three dental crown questions you should ask a dentist. What is a dental crown? Dental crowns are... read more »
If you ever take part in contact sports or any other high-risk activities, wearing a mouth guard can significantly decrease your chances of oral injuries. For a better understanding of mouth guards, here are some fundamental facts: - If you are participating in a contact sport or similar high-risk activity, it is imperative to wear the necessary safety equipment, such... read more »
Irritated, inflamed gums are unattractive and unhealthy for your smile. While your daily oral care habits help prevent gum disease, your diet can also give your gums the means to remain healthy and vibrant. Your gums give your teeth the support they need, keeps valuable bone material from deteriorating, and fights off harmful oral bacteria that creates gum disease. Let's... read more »
As you may already know, it’s important to clean your retainer regularly. If you take care of it, it will take care of you. However, this might be a difficult task if you’re not sure how to clean the appliance and keep it in tip-top shape. So, to help you, our orthodontist, Dr. Ryan D. Sparks, has some cleaning instructions... read more »
Have you ever been diagnosed with bruxism? Bruxism is an oral health condition that commonly arises in individuals who experience anxiety and stress in their life. However, even if you have no stress, you could be suffering from bruxism. Unfortunately, bruxism often occurs while you are sleeping so it may go on for years before you finally know that it... read more »
Dental fillings are commonly used dental restorations that can help your teeth and entire oral health. However, because they are associated with cavities, they can also be a little scary and overwhelming. This doesn’t have to be the case. To help you know a little more about these restorations so you can feel more prepared in the dental chair when... read more »
Oral emergencies such as cavities, chipped or cracked teeth, and injury can be seen as commonplace, but they are still serious. When accidents and emergencies happen, knowing what to do can make a difference in saving your beautiful smile. A common oral accident is biting one’s lips or gums. While these are often minor accidents, they can sometimes be quite... read more »
Diabetes is a debilitating disease that affects your blood sugar levels, which in turn can alter your oral health. The effects of diabetes in dentistry can be prevented or treated. Here are some things you should know about diabetes and dental health: - Diabetes can lead to a delayed recovery times with any oral ailments you may suffer from. -... read more »
Do you know what a malocclusion is? A malocclusion is a bad bite caused by misaligned teeth or jaws. There are several types of malocclusions that can affect your smile. - When teeth are not in their proper location and position, rotation malocclusions arise. - If your lower jawbone sticks out past your upper jawbone, crossbites become a problem. -... read more »