Mouth Guard Fundamentals

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If you ever take part in contact sports or any other high-risk activities, wearing a mouth guard can significantly decrease your chances of oral injuries. For a better understanding of mouth guards, here are some fundamental facts:

– If you are participating in a contact sport or similar high-risk activity, it is imperative to wear the necessary safety equipment, such as mouth guards, to protect your oral health.

– There are various kinds of mouth guards to choose from. Those that can be found at the store consist of boil and bite guards and one size fits all guards. Ryan D. Sparks, DMD can make you a custom-fit mouth guard created for your unique bite.

– Mouth guards can drastically decrease your chances of oral injuries such as a knocked out or chipped tooth.

– Always take care of your mouthguard so that it is not bent out of shape or contaminated with bacteria. Rinse it out after every use and brush it with nonabrasive toothpaste regularly.

For more mouth guard advice or to get a custom dental guard from Ryan D. Sparks, DMD, come in for a visit. Dr. Ryan D. Sparks and our dental staff would love to see you. You can book an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Corvallis, Oregon. We can be reached at 541-754-9322. We look forward to hearing from you.